A Critical Look at a COVID-19 Vaccination Study: Clarity is Key

By Sarena L. McLean MSc. (Epidemiology & Biostatistics), Health Sciences Researcher & Member of Doctors for Covid Ethics (2021) The study “A Critical Analysis of All-Cause Deaths during COVID-19 Vaccination in an Italian Province” by Alessandria et al. aimed to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 vaccination on all-cause mortality while correcting for immortal time bias (ITB). Conducted in the Piedmont region of Italy, the study …

The fallacies of the “no virus” doctrine

The fallacies of the “no virus” doctrine

by Michael Palmer, MD Our last and best theory is always an attempt to account for all falsifications ever found within the field in question. Karl Popper This article was written as a rebuttal to a piece by German journalist Torsten Engelbrecht [1], which in turn was a reply to my own piece (co-authored with Sucharit Bhakdi) [2]. Engelbrecht’s arguments were a subset of the …

Do viruses exist?

Do viruses exist?

Michael Palmer, MD and Sucharit Bhakdi, MD In the context of the COVID-19 “pandemic”, many people have come to understand that political and scientific authorities have been systematically lying about the origin of the infectious agent, as well as the need for and the safety of mandatory countermeasures, including lock-downs, masks and vaccines. Some skeptics have gone further and begun to question the existence of …