Support Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

Support Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

Dr. Bhakdi has been telling the truth about COVID-19 and the mRNA vaccines since the very beginning of the so-called “COVID-19 Pandemic.” As a result, in order to silence him, he has been vindictively accused of two unfounded charges in connection with two public statements he made in April and September of 2021. He is now facing a hearing at the lower court in Plön, Germany.

mRNA a Serious Threat to Mankind

mRNA a Serious Threat to Mankind

Below is an email that has been sent out to Doctors for Covid Ethics subscribers and friends, summarising the first session of our fourth symposium, whose title carries what we view as one of the most important lessons of the COVID-19 operation: mRNA vaccines pose a serious threat to mankind.